Overview Cheese

Whether for grating, slicing, melting or further processing, industrial cheese offers many possibilities. Our range includes various cheese varieties in block, bar, wheel and other container sizes. Try them for yourself, of simply inquire with us.


Cagliata is a cheese-like pre-product.

It is used primarily to produce fermented milk products, especially mozzarella.


Edam is a cheese that originated in the town of Edam in the Netherlands.

It has a slightly spicy aroma and a pure, mild, slightly acidic taste.

Grating cheese

Grating cheese is a hard cheese.

It is made in the same manner as Grana Padano or Parmigiano Reggiano. In particular it is excellently suited to the production of freshly grated pasta cheese.


Tilsit is named after the city of Tilsit, the present-day Sovetsk.

It is characterised by its supple, light yellow structure with barleycorn-sized holes. Its flavour ranges from mild and slightly spicy to strong and savoury.


Emmental is a hard cheese that comes originally from Switzerland.

This very popular cheese is produced in different versions worldwide. Large holes and a nutty flavour are typical of this cheese.


Maasdam is a hard cheesewith cherry-sized holes and is used as an alternative to Emmental.

Its strong yellow rind is characteristic, as well as its supple consistency. Its flavour is mild, nutty and displays a hint of fruitiness.


Mozzarella is a popular Italian kneaded cheese.

As well as its traditional production from buffalo milk, it is also often made from cow’s milk. The cheese is used mainly as a salad or pizza ingredient.


Cheddar is a hard cheese and is one of the most frequently purchased cheeses in the world.

It has a mil-acidic aroma and is eaten with bread, but also processed as cheese slices or grated, due to its consistency.

Cheese cut-offs

Cheese cut-offs are end pieces or edges that remain left over after the processing of cheese.

They can comprise different cheese varieties and are suitable for melting or grating.
